Service & Tech Service Management

Today’s companies, more than ever before; need to have a strong focus on “customer service” in all aspects of the business. Most importantly for companies in the technology, Digital, Internet & IT, and in the equipment and industrial applications fields; is “Tech Service”. This is a vital artery of any such enterprise. MAXR GLOBAL LLC serves as a total repository of know-how, technology and customer tech service approaches, techniques and systems, to take care of this important area of any enterprise business. Our mission in this area is to make your firm self-sufficient in this area and to excel in your customer expectations for those services. Some of our applicable expertise is based on product type, some is equipment or hardware based, and some is software or programming based. Technical service plans for your customers and for your own industrial needs is one of our areas of process management. We share new techniques and business models, and use them as a resource to speed your implementation of new processes and programs for your firm to become a true customer organization. The processes and practices will focus on what has proven to work in providing superior customer support.