
International trade has been an industry that has a long history in human terms; it started with the first humans groups settling in far away lands. Today international trade amounts to nearly 2.5 Trillion US Dollars of the US Economy, and that is in tough economic times. International trade in the form of import and export of raw materials, consumer and industrial goods, equipment, foodstuffs, etc. is one the most prevalent industries of the millennium. Trade exists since humanity took form thousands of years ago, and continues for now and will in the future. The laws of supply and demand for commodities or merchandise are the ones that dictate international trade. Yet, many an enterprise either does not have the know-how, or the business stamina to enter the realm of import and export on a global scale. MAXR GLOBAL LLC is the company that can help your firm enter this exciting and profitable opportunity. The technology leap that the world is entering in the digital era makes that opportunity even more interesting to many a company. Yet, importing and/or exporting, is not just for the uniformed, or unprepared companies. Expertise, is required every step of the way to become a net exporter or importer or both. Many companies draw 50% or more of their revenue from overseas business and that is where one’s company wants to be at, to be considered global. We can help your firm achieve that goal!